Tuesday, February 6, 2007


The person who inspired me to become a journalist was Ernest Hemingway, who was a reporter and war correspondent besides being one of America's great novelists. I first read Hemingway, I guess, in high school, "The Son Also Rises," in which a foreign correspondent is one of the characters. I was in Havana in November, and stopped by one of Hemingway's old haunts, the Floridita bar. Here I am having a drink with Hem. Looks like I spilled some on my shirt, or maybe he spilled it. Hem could be a sloppy drunk sometimes.


Anonymous said...

This marks my first time ever leaving a comment on a blog. I didn't know Hemingway was such an inspiration to you. You see the things you learn when you read one's blog? I remember reading "The Old Man and the Sea" long ago. Didn't he also have a favorite haunt out in Ponce Inlet, Florida?

Andrew Selsky said...

Laura: I don't know about Ponce Inlet, but maybe. Have you been to his house in Key West? Other places where Hemingway and I have crossed paths: At his grave in Ketchum, Idaho; the Cerverceria Alemana in Madrid (though decades apart); the Bodeguita del Medio and the Hotel Ambos Mundos in Havana (where they have his room as he lived in it, with Hemingway memorabilia). "The Old Man and the Sea" was a fantastic work, deserving of the Nobel Prize. Andrew